Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Wacky News Articles From Around The World

I thought I'd kick off the new year with a series of wacky news articles from around the world.

South African court fines 'pregnant' man

A South African man has been fined $140 for taking a week off work, telling his employers he was pregnant. Charles Sibindana, 27, stole a certificate from a clinic during his pregnant girlfriend's checkup, the BBC reports. He then added his own details to the note, submitted it to his employers and took seven days off work, seemingly unaware that only women consult gynaecologists.His employers became suspicious and investigated the matter. On passing sentence Magistrate Bruno Van Eeden warned Mr Sibindana "not to walk around faking sick letters from gynaecologists.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

I would just like to wish all article readers a very happy new year!


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Make Money Selling Second Hand Books On Amazon

This is my own article and can be found at http://www.thearticleking.com. Basically I do this part time and make a good part time income from it.

This is an easy business that anyone can start and with no initial start up costs. There are thousands of people everyday listing their second hand books on Amazon with an immediate customer base of millions. It is so easy. First of all look for all the books around your home that you no longer want. Once you have your books at the ready then register on the the site which will literally take ten minutes or so.Listing the books on the site is extremely easy as you enter the international book standard number and it will automatically bring up your book. You then can see the market price for your used book. I would recommend entering your book price at one penny less than the nearest person which ensures you get a low price tag next to your book. You then just click and complete your listing. You will then send you a sold dispatch now email when the book is sold and you mail the book to your customer.Once you need more stock I recommend looking at the local charity shops and libraries. Also car boot sales and fairs are very good too. I have bought books for 25p and sold them for 20 pound and this happens weekly.Not every category of book will sell extremely well so it is very important to avoid modern fiction titles. There are literally thousands of used books in this category on amazon and you will not be able to generate income with these types of books. You should really be looking for older books with a hobby connotation. Good examples of these could be music, religion, self help, military, arts and crafts, sports and poetry to name but a few.It is very easy to get the hang of and in time you will easily be able to identify what sells and what does not sell. I also personally sell dvd's online too but you must make sure that your dvd works before sending out to a customer because good customer feedback is very important in this business. Having said that dvd's are fast moving items and can easily make you a lot of money.If you have a library online of about one hundred books or so then you can be expecting to sell about 30 books or so a month. When you reach this level of sales then it makes it worthwhile to become a regitestered book seller. This costs 25 pound a month but also cuts the 85p charge that amazon puts on your account every time a book sells. Of course the organisation needs to make some income from the arrangement with yourself but as you can see the 30 book per month and over limit makes it a viable business decision.Another top tip is to try and keep your books small to medium in size to save on the postage costs. They are quite generous and will give you a good postage allowance when selling your books but on very large books you will actually lose out. Having said that school textbooks and educational books are very good sellers and can attract prices over 20 pounds or so therefore I would make an exception for those type of books.This really is an easy business to operate and amazon provide an excellect online forum so you can talk to other sellers and also gets lots of good tips and advice. Also as I mentioned at the beginning there are no initial overheads and once you get yourself committed to this business it is incredibly fun and rewarding. When I see those sold dispatch now emails coming through I never fail to get excited and so will you once you start your own online book selling service.
Article Source: http://www.thearticleking.com
If you interested in finding the best information then go to www.thearticleking.com.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Article - Questions to Ask Your Lawyer

Here is an article from Charles Kassotis of www.lawyerget.com . Another very popular article at www.thearticleking.com.

When looking for a lawyer to handle a personal legal matter, you can usually find one by contacting the local bar association or an attorney referral service in your area. If those don't pan out, try the state bar association or word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied friends, family members, or coworkers. After getting the names of two or three attorneys that specialize in the area for which you need assistance, make an appointment to "interview" each lawyer before you decide which one to retain as legal counsel. Some lawyers offer a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your case and see whether client and attorney suit each other. Here are some questions you may want to ask:1. How long have you specialized in this type of law? If the attorney has recently switched from probate to criminal law, and you are accused of committing a crime, you may want to look for a more experienced attorney. On the other hand, perhaps this attorney has been assisting a partner with criminal cases, or has done extensive work in this area previously. Find out if there is enough evidence to warrant your trust in this particular attorney for handling your case.2. What are your fees? Never retain an attorney who is vague about the cost of his or her services, or about the type of expenses you may have to pay. While it is natural to be unsure of an exact price for copying, telephone, and postage costs, the attorney should be able to give you a ballpark figure, as well as any potential costs for expert testimony, including depositions, interrogatories, or videotaping sessions and travel fees. Try to get an estimate in writing of at least the attorney's fee. Many charge by the hour or by the procedure, such as a $1,500 divorce. Others are required to collect a portion, like one-third, of any awards made in personal injury cases, for example. 3. What are the chances of success for my case? This will apply to issues of litigation where you are suing someone in court. You want to get a percentage, like 60 percent or 20 percent, of what the outcome is likely to be. For other types of cases, such as estate planning, you can change the question to relate to matters involving your anticipated estate plan with applicable taxes.4. How often can I expect to hear from you? A competent attorney should be in regular contact with a client to provide status updates, even if there isn't much to report. A monthly phone call, email, or letter will help to allay worries and confirm hearing dates so that you don't get disconnected from the legal process for months at a time.5. What is the likely course of my case? Your attorney should be able to give you a clear outline of what to expect. Some types of cases might require a few meetings with the attorney. Others might demand court appearances and deposition sessions. Sketch a timeline of projected activity so you can plan accordingly. After comparing attorney responses to your questions, you may be in a better position to choose the attorney who will work most effectively to protect your interests.
Article Source: http://www.thearticleking.com
If you want to know more about lawyers, visit the Lawyer Research and Directory at www.lawyerget.com

Monday, December 25, 2006

Article - Veil in the UK right or wrong?

Here is a recent article which I have written and has sparked a lot of debate recently here in the UK. Post your comments if you wish.

This has sparked a major debate in the UK on whether or not the full veil known as the hijab should or should not be worn in public. In this article I will look into the pros and cons in this argument beginning with why the veil should not be worn in public in the UK.There is an argument that says that for generations in England, women have fought for full equality. The veil is an outward and visible sign of the subservience of women in the more conservative male dominated muslim sects. As such it is unacceptable to the host community which is still predominantly liberal, tolerant and Christian. It is only a small step from the veil to hanging women for adultery. This is not a Muslim state and will never be one. The old adage "when in Rome do what the Romans do" can easily apply here.At the end of the day this is England where everybody should follow the English way. When you speak to a person you should give them eye contact and how can you do that when you can't see their face. What about face to face contact when you can not see somebody's face. Whilst any person lives in England you follow the tradition's and culture of England. Like it or move somewhere else.The other side of the coin in this debate centres on Britain being a multi culturalist society and we should respect and welcome the traditions of other religions in this country. We believe in the right of freedom of expression so it should be perfectly acceptable for a muslim woman to wear the hijab whenever and wherever she likes if she is not hurting other people.How on earth can the veil make you feel uncomfortable?. You can see her eyes and hear her voice what more do you need to see. Women who prance around 'half naked' wearing vest tops, bra tops and bikini tops are the ones who offend and make other people uncomfortable. That compared to the veil is nothing. The veil is a good thing and nothing bad comes from it as result from wearing it.I have looked at both sides of this debate and written about many of the sensitive issues involved. I will now express my own conclusions on the subject.I think there are a lot of different groups who get up in arms over things instead of trying to understand why the problem has arisen in the first place. As far as I understand Jack Straw is not commanding the women of Blackburn to take off their veils. he has asked politely, its their choice if they want to or not.If muslims believe that women should cover their face then let them. Its a belief and as a multi cultural society we should accept that. When someone notes that those who hide their faces might find it difficult to integrate. This comment should not be a cause for outrage but understanding. Why do people find it difficult to talk to someone who covers their face? Why should not seeing who you are talking to make you uneasy.Jack Straw has opened an interesting debate, the best outcome can only come from seeing why it has been said in the first place instead of getting outraged and setting up defencesMaybe if we all wore blindfolds we'd appreciate each others personality regardless of what we are wearing.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Article Xmas!!!

I'd just like to wish everyone out there a very happy xmas.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Article - The Difference Between an Optimist and a Pessimist

Great article this from Saleem Rana. It's more than just the glass being half full or half empty you know!.

Optimist: There is nothing more important than feeling good.Pessimist: Come again? Didn't I just tell you how bad everything isOptimist: When you feel good you raise your vibrations. You get what you prefer. You send out a frequency that brings you what you love.When you feel miserable, you're setting yourself up to miscreate your reality. Your pain is a signal for you to change. It's a warning blip on the radar of your mind.The easiest thing you can do to change your life is to feel good. Finding ways to feel good opens the pathways to your preference.It is so much easier to feel good. It is so much easier to get into health, clarity, and love, when you feel good. And it is so much easier to create the life you want that way.When you feel bad, you're pointing your car down the wrong side of the freeway. Sooner or later, you're going to hit an oncoming car.Pessimist:You just don't understand, do you?Optimist:I understand how you can feel bad-nothing is working out for you. Your bills aren't paid and your rent is due and your car doesn't work and your kids are out of control and your boss and coworkers hate you, and, and, and...but you just have to do it...you have to train yourself to feel good.You see, all this is happening because you feel bad about what's bad.Pessimist: Yeah, right! So how do you feel good when everything is bad?Optimist: You fake it-until you make it.Pessimist:I gotcha! You're a positive thinking nut!Optimist: This is not about positive thinking: this is about positive vibrating. Your brain is an electromagnetic generator. It throws out thoughts all the time that affect your body and your world. And it brings to itself thoughts of a similar kind. You get to feel more of what you're already feeling and observe the circumstances to justify it.Naturally, when bad things happen you react to them--but, this sets in motion more bad things to come your way. It's a vicious circle, I know. I understand how unnatural and forced it feels to try and feel good when things are going badly...but, but...it's the only way to turn things around.And when you feel good, then good things start happening. Somehow, for some strange reason, you find more people who seem to like you, and you find new ideas and new solutions, and you have happy accidents that spontaneously take care of those horrible disasters. And people for some reason want to pay you more and help you more and just be around you more.Pessimist: This is way too simple! Do you realize how much time I spend trying to figure things out?Optimist: I'd try to make this more complex if I knew how.All I can say is that you always get to choose how you want to feel about anything.If I were you, I'd start to feel good. Reasons why will soon start showing up.
Article Source: http://www.thearticleking.com
Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy